Homeless In Hollywood

We ❤️Hollywood, so it breaks our heart to see so many Angelenos who are homeless...more than 58,000 people are without homes...up 23% from the previous year.  Not good.

One of the problems is that if you are homeless but have a car, it is illegal to sleep in it.  According to the LA Times the number of cars, campers and vans serving as homes in the city of Los Angeles has gone up significantly, reaching more than 4,700 in 2017's homelessness count.

We all need to come together to help.  Check out this site to read more, to see where you can help out and see a list of your elected officials and how to contact them.   Curbed LA also published 7 great ways to help.  Click HERE.
Image result for homeless people Hollywood

With the shelters being overrun, there is no where to go.  Some good news is that the City Council approved the framework for a pilot program that would allow private companies and nonprofits to open their parking lots at night to vehicle dwellers. If ever there were a program that could work in Los Angeles, the city of parking lots, it would be this one.

This cannot be Los Angeles’ future...we all ❤️it too much.  

Homeless In Hollywood Homeless In Hollywood Reviewed by #IheartHollywood on April 17, 2018 Rating: 5

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