Celebrate National Golden Girls Day and National Cheesecake Day In Florida
Attention Floridians: ABC Studios and PopSugar are celebrating national Golden Girls Day and National Cheesecake Day with a one-day-only pop-up event at Vicky’s House in Coconut Grove, Florida, on Tuesday, July 30, from 12-10p.
So it seems that National Cheesecake Day is an actual thing and the folks over a Vicky's House in Coconut Grove, Florida they are celebrating it in a big way.
Fans and their friends are invited to stop by for a limited edition cheesecake milkshake inspired by "The Golden Girls," pose for themed photo ops - including a scenic recreation of the ladies' iconic lanai - and shop 'til they drop on new and unique branded merchandise at the retail pop-up store!
The pop-up store will also offer fans the opportunity to purchase "The Golden Girls"-themed
merchandise including books, party supplies, pins, dolls, tees, car sunshade, shower curtain and poster.
We love it when our favorite shows become actually locations, so of course we ❤️this. Might be worth a trip to Florida. Roadtrip anyone?
Celebrate National Golden Girls Day and National Cheesecake Day In Florida
Reviewed by #IheartHollywood
July 26, 2019
TTN Roadside Assistance is the definition of an uncommon circumstance. This might also additionally occur at some stage in the day whilst the full international is lively and dynamic. It may be effects stirred certainly at nighttime whilst people are having a tough time resting.