Where sitcoms learn to be funny. By Jill Rytie Lutz

Who doesn’t heart laughing…heartily? The Groundlings Theater in Hollywood is home to the comedy improv troupe whose legendary membership roster has included such names as Will Farrell, Phil Hartman, Maya Rudolph, Will Forte, Jon Lovitz and many current comedic actors who can be seen in some of the biggest movies and commercials running today.

The Groundlings perform a variety of improv and sketch comedy shows every night of the week for $10 - $20 per ticket for an incomparable night of hilarity and hijinks straight from the top up-and-coming comedy talent in Hollywood. Better yet? For only the second time in Groundlings’ recent history, the Monday night show features improv stylings from the Groundlings School’s Advanced Students.

While these SNLers-In-Training might be a couple of years behind their teachers (the main troupe), they’re just as funny and you get in for a fraction of the cost (a mere 5 bucks.)

Next student show is Monday, December 7 at 8pm. Come early to check out the hundreds of photos of famous Groundlings alumni covering the lobby walls to get a feel for the theater’s rich history – oh, and for some FREE wine, too! (at student shows only) What better way to get you ready to laugh than a little liquid encouragement from 2-Buck Chuck?

We heart the Groundlings!
Where sitcoms learn to be funny. By Jill Rytie Lutz Where sitcoms learn to be funny.   By Jill Rytie Lutz Reviewed by #IheartHollywood on December 06, 2009 Rating: 5

1 comment

  1. The Groundlings Theater sounds like an amazing place to experience top-notch improv comedy! It's fantastic how up-and-coming talent gets the chance to perform at such an iconic venue. As a student, I’d love to check it out. Also, for anyone needing help with assignments, Melbourne assignment help is a great resource!
