Paramount Studios....after dark
Hollywood tours can be scary. This one is betting on that. Paramount Studio, one of the oldest studios left in Hollywood is now offering nighttime tours from September 8th-November 18th 2017. If you have never been lucky enough to have experienced a tour of Paramount with Hollywood Historian Gary DeVaughn, this might fill the void. Some say Paramount Studios is look out for the ghosts of some of your favorite stars.
Here is the description:
Not all the stories born on the studio lot made it to the silver screen. Some stories, the darker stories, remained, and they continue to haunt the lot by moonlight. Maybe it's the cemetery next door. Maybe it's the passion to succeed in Hollywood that keeps the spirited personalities relevant today, even after death. Maybe it's just your imagination. During the Tales From The Other Side tour, you'll get the chance to find out how the scandals of yesteryear still live amongst us.
It starts at dusk with some champagne to toast the coming darkness. In the silence of the night, you'll descend into the mysteries behind Paramount's iconic gates via cavernous sound stages and the darkest corners of the infamous backlot. Guided by flashlight, you'll creep through the legendary Hollywood Forever Cemetery to learn the tales of Hollywood's most dearly departed and the secrets that followed them to the grave. Surrounded by the memories of the famous, and the infamous, your eyes may begin to play tricks on you as you get a glimpse into the legends and superstitions that weave throughout the history that makes Hollywood what it is today.
• 2 1/2-hour walking tour
• Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings; schedules may vary
• Exclusive access to Hollywood Forever Cemetery
• Complimentary champagne with your favorite movie candy and popcorn hosted in the darkened basement of iconic Stage 18
• Complimentary parking
• Walking shoes required
• Guests 16 years and over are welcome
• $99 per person, taxes and fees included.
Paramount Studios....after dark
Reviewed by #IheartHollywood
October 03, 2017

Paramount Studios after dark sounds like an exciting event! For those who enjoy late-night thrills of a different kind, getting a Betting ID opens up endless opportunities for online betting and casino games. It's the ultimate entertainment combo!