Barry Diller Wants To Build A Gondola To The Hollywood Sign
NO....not the gondola you do in Venice but the kind you ride up a mountain to ski. The Hollywood Gondola would carry tourists from the parking lot of the L.A. Zoo up to Mount Lee, where it would afford a close-up view of the Hollywood sign. Unclear as to why anyone would want or need to get THAT close to the sign....the best pics are from below it anyway...duh!!!
According to Variety:
The gondola ride would begin in the LA Zoo’s parking lot and carry visitors up the side of Mount Lee for a close-up view of the big white letters. Diane’s son Alexander, who is the chairman of the Diller-von Furstenberg Family Foundation, is heading up the project.
And how do Hollywood officials feel about this gondola?
“There’s nothing definitive at this point. It’s just an idea,” said Leron Gubler, president and CEO of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, who added that the Chamber supports the idea. “If you had a gondola coupled with a visitor center, we think something like that would truly work to get people out of the neighborhoods.”
Sounds kinda dumb to us here....but we ❤️ hopefully it will be AMAZING.
Barry Diller Wants To Build A Gondola To The Hollywood Sign
Reviewed by #IheartHollywood
December 19, 2017

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