Google The Spruce Goose
Howard Hughe's H-4 Hercules (also known as the Spruce Goose) was a prototype strategic airlift flying boat designed and built here in Hollywood (technically Hollywood adjacent) by the Hughes Aircraft Company.
Intended as a transatlantic flight transport for use during World War II, it was not completed in time to be used in the war. She flew only once over Long Beach Harbor on November 2, 1947, a distance of one mile and the project never advanced beyond the single example produced. She was on display at the Spruce Goose dome in Long Beach, alongside the Queen Mary for a number of years, but is now housed at the Evergreen Air and Space Museum in Oregon.
Although the hope for a revival of the Spruce Goose is long gone, lucky for us the house she was built in lives on...and our pal and Hollywood Historian Gary DeVaughn recently took some great shots of where it was constructed.
This property, now owned by Google and is now known as "The campus at Playa Vista" and looks remarkably the same as when Hughes built his plane.
The Campus at Playa Vista's vision is in part keeping with the spirit of former landowner Howard Hughes’ historic concept. Hughes transformed this area into a breeding ground for aeronautic innovation and today that innovation is in technology, media and other creative fields. The adjacent Central Park adds breathing room to this vibrant creative office destination with berm gardens, water features, walking paths, soccer, sand volleyball, basketball court, a kids’ playground and iconic bandshell for outdoor concerts, movies and other events. From titans like Google, Yahoo and YouTube Space LA to creative powerhouses like 72andSunny and USC’s Institute of Creative Technologies, Playa Vista has become the Westside address of's no wonder it's nickname is "The Silicon Beach."
Howard Huges was on to something when he first came to this area so many years ago. Interesting fact....this is the same area that Dreamworks wanted to build their Studio, but ultimately denied because the community didn't want the traffic and the congestion in their area. Wonder what changed?
The Spruce Goose...we ❤️you!!!
Google The Spruce Goose
Reviewed by #IheartHollywood
December 15, 2017

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