Jack In The Box is in the POT Buisness.
Weed is legal here in Hollywood and Jack In The Box is getting ready to cash in.
The burger chain is teaming up with rapper Snoop Dogg’s Merry Jane cannabis site to offer the “Merry Munchie Meal” — a box of greasy stoner snacks...a side that’s half curly fries and half onion rings — as well as tacos, five “Mini Churros,” three crispy chicken strips and a drink that will sell for.....well....$4.20 duh.
According to Iwona Alter, Jack in the Box’s marketing chief. The Munchie Meal is perfect for potheads “whether you’re at a concert, up late playing video games, or pulling an all-nighter. We are about welcoming all of our guests, no matter what they’re craving or why they’re craving it.”
Now here is the fun part. The promotion only lasts from Jan. 18 to Jan. 25, and will only be available at three locations in Long Beach, California (Where Snoop is from)....so if you can imagine being stoned and trying to figure out which Jack In The Box sells the $4.20 munchie meal...or where there is a Jack In The Box..or ...or...forgot what I was saying. MMMM Curley Fries.
Munchie Meals....we ❤️you
Jack In The Box is in the POT Buisness.
Reviewed by #IheartHollywood
January 09, 2018

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