Can You Fly With Weed?

Can I fly with weed?  This is the number one question I get asked by my out of town guests, and since marijuana is legal here in Los Angeles, this is not a far-fetched question.  So can you?  The answer might surprise you?

LAX’s new policy goes as follows:

While federal law prohibits the possession of marijuana (inclusive of federal airspace), California’s passage of Proposition 64, effective January 1, 2018, allows for individuals 21 years of age or older to possess up to 28.5 grams of marijuana and 8 grams of concentrated marijuana for personal consumption. In accordance with Proposition 64, the Los Angeles Airport Police Department will allow passengers to travel through LAX with up to 28.5 grams of marijuana and 8 grams of concentrated marijuana. However, passengers should be aware that marijuana laws vary state by state and they are encouraged to check the laws of the states in which they plan to travel

The TSA has also publicly stated on its website that its officers “do not search for marijuana or other drugs.”  TSA’s focus is on terrorism and security threats to the aircraft and its passengers, and the TSA’s screening procedures, which are governed by federal law, are focused on security and are designed to detect potential threats to aviation and passengers.

So yes, it is "legal" but there are still rules to follow. You can travel within California possessing up to one ounce of flower or eight grams of hash, however, the policy doesn’t extend to those who fly outside of the boundaries of the state. Remember: you are still at risk of arrest if you land in a prohibition state with marijuana.

Marijuana is legal in some capacity in 29 states and Washington, D.C. so be sure to do your research and remember smoking is not allowed on any airplane flight and federal law prohibits tampering with, disabling or destroying a restroom smoke detector.

Now if someone was smart, they would open up a dispensary inside of the airport....they would RAKE IN THE MONEY.  Hint Hint.

So there you have it.  So be safe out there and when you are talking to a stranger at LAX and they seemed stoned...remember, they probably are.    Just another reason to ❤️Hollywood.
Can You Fly With Weed? Can You Fly With Weed? Reviewed by #IheartHollywood on October 02, 2018 Rating: 5

1 comment

  1. While the legality of flying with weed varies by location, it's always best to check local laws and airline regulations. Here's a safer alternative – wherever you travel, immerse in local experiences like culinary tours that take you through a city's gastronomical secrets, cultures, and histories. It's an intoxicating experience in its own way, sans the complexities.
