The Sunset Boulevard Musical Film Is Finally Happening
The long-awaited film version of Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical version of Billy Wilder's Sunset Boulevard, featuring Glenn Close re-creating her Tony-winning performance is finally happening, and we couldn't be happier. "It's as if we never said good-bye."
It had been over 20 years since Glenn Close opened the original Broadway production of Sunset Boulevard, but the seven-time Oscar nominee is bringing back the musical version of Nora Desmond bigger and better...and in film.
“I'm not saying I'm getting better, but I am saying that I do have more experience,” Close told Playbill as she discussed returning to the role first seen in the 1950 Wilder film.

“With more knowledge of myself and experiences I’ve had and heartbreaks I’ve had and enduring as I have—theoretically, an actor should only get better because our bodies and our minds and hearts are the material with which we build characters.”

Filming is expected to begin in the fall for Paramount with Andrew Lloyd Webber attached as a producer. No other casting has been announced.
This is so exciting. Let's hope that they don't F it up like they did with the Les Miserables film.
Sunset Boulevard is such an important Hollywood movie turned Broadway show, turning into a movie...and we couldn't ❤️it more. Are you excited? Maybe soon we can finally grace this lady with the Oscar she DESERVES. xoxo
The Sunset Boulevard Musical Film Is Finally Happening
Reviewed by #IheartHollywood
March 02, 2019

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