No Pool, No Problem...Introducing Uber For Pools
There is nothing worse than living in Hollywood during the long hot days of summer without a pool. But now, everyone can get soaking wet no matter where you live...introducing Swimply, the Uber for pools.
Swimply is an online platform for pool sharing that connects owners of private pools with people looking to get their hands on one. Swimply allows non-pool owners affordable access to an otherwise inaccessible luxury, while allowing pool owners to earn an effortless, substantial income from their underutilized pools.
For pool owners, the extra income earned from renting a pool on Swimply can be used to help cover costs and even turn a profit while helping out the community at the same time. It's a win-win for everyone. Pool owners simply list their pools, customize their accounts and decide when exactly they are available for rent.
Non-pool owners can read all about the pools, see user reviews, and book directly on Swimply. If anyone needs assistance, their support team ensures that the entire process of listing, reserving and payment is as smooth as possible for all involved.
Costing an average price of $45 per hour with availablity across the US, it is now the first place to look for a summer hangout or a even a weekend getaway.
We have to take advantage of this ASAP. Such a great idea, makes us kick ourselves for not thinking of it first. Swimply...we totally ❤️you.
No Pool, No Problem...Introducing Uber For Pools
Reviewed by #IheartHollywood
August 03, 2019

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