See How Quentin Tarantino Steals From Other Films
"Did you love or hate Once Upon A Time In America?" is THE dinner party question here in the land of angels, and trust me, after a question like that, you are bound for a fun-filled night. But another question is "Is Tarantino a good movie director or does he just plagiarize all his work?"
They say imitation is the biggest form of flattery unless of course, it's actual plagiarism, and nowhere does this apply more than to director Quentin Tarantino.
Tarantino himself openly admits to stealing from other directors, and it works. With his signature combination of sharp dialogue, great cinematography, and stolen ideas, Tarantino has made some of the most memorable films in movie history.
But where is the line? And what is the difference between "influenced by" and a copy? Take a look, it might surprise you...or not:
So what do you think? Is Tarantino a plagiarist? We still ❤️a lot of his movies...but we are really seeing them in another light now...but hey it's all smoke and mirrors here in Hollywood, right?
See How Quentin Tarantino Steals From Other Films
Reviewed by #IheartHollywood
August 02, 2019

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